Research Article

Disease-Specific Autoantibodies Induce Trained Immunity in RA Synovial Tissues and Its Gene Signature Correlates with the Response to Clinical Therapy

Figure 4

Comparative transcriptomic analysis between cIgG- and β-glucan-trained monocytes. (a) Venn diagram of GSEA of trained monocytes using hallmark gene sets collected in MSigDB v7.0. The five shared hallmark gene sets were glycolysis, cholesterol homeostasis, MYC-targets_V1, MYC-targets_V2, and MTORC1_signaling. (b) Relative gene expression of glycolytic enzymes (HK3, fold change , ; GPI, , ; PFKP, , ; PGK1, , ; GAPDH, , ; ALDOA, , ; PGAM1, , ; ENO, , ; and PKM, , ) was defined by FPKM (fragments per kilobase of exon model per million reads mapped) values from RNA sequencing (GSE102728) as compared between the Mo(cIgG) and Mo(control). Data () are from three independent experiments. values indicate the posterior probability of differential expression (PPDE). (c) Glycolysis pathway from glucose to lactate. Fold changes in glycolytic enzymes were compared between cIgG-trained and control cells, as labeled in red.