Research Article

Disease-Specific Autoantibodies Induce Trained Immunity in RA Synovial Tissues and Its Gene Signature Correlates with the Response to Clinical Therapy

Figure 5

cIgG-trained signatures enriched in synovial biopsies. (a) Heatmap showing hierarchical clustering according to disease status, pathotype, cell-specific gene score, and clinical information. The synovial samples were from healthy donors (HC, ) and from patients with osteoarthritis (OA, ), arthralgia (AR, ), undifferentiated arthritis (UA, ), early RA (eRA, ), and established RA (est.RA, ). (b–e) Enriched scores of cIgG-trained monocytes and three pathotypes among the groups. Comparison of cIgG-trained scores in groups according to (f) sex, (g) age, and (h) ACPA status is shown. Each dot represents one donor. NS: no statistical significance; , , and . The Kruskal–Wallis test, followed by post hoc testing by Dunn’s multiple comparison test, was used for comparing >2 groups. The Mann–Whitney test was used for comparing two groups.