Research Article

Psychobiotics Regulate the Anxiety Symptoms in Carriers of Allele A of IL-1β Gene: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial

Table 4

IL-1β A carrier risk for depression, dysmorphic, and anxiety symptoms.

value SEOR (minimum-maximum)

BUT1.910.170.920.670.172.50 (0.67; 9.31)0.06
SCL-90R1.630.200.970.780.212.64 (0.58 12.09)0.06
HAM-A9.08<0.011.780.63<0.015.90 (1.73; 20.16)0.18

IL-1β A carrier risk for depression, dysmorphic, and anxiety symptoms evaluated with Body Uneasiness Test (BUT), Symptom Checklist-Revised (SCL90R), and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A).