Research Article

Pirfenidone Inhibits Hypoxic Pulmonary Hypertension through the NADPH/ROS/p38 Pathway in Adventitial Fibroblasts in the Pulmonary Artery

Figure 1

PFD reduced the proliferation of HPAAFs in hypoxia. HPAAFs were stimulated by PFD before hypoxia, and then, cell proliferation was assessed by MTT, cell counting, and EdU. (a, b) PFD decreased the hypoxia-induced HPAAF proliferation assessed by MTT and cell counting (). (c, d) PFD decreased the hypoxia-induced HPAAF proliferation assessed by EdU (). Red: EdU; blue: cell nucleus. Hyp: hypoxia; OD: optical density; PFD: pirfenidone; HPAAFs: human pulmonary arterial adventitial fibroblasts.