Research Article

Fatty Acid Profile and Metabolism Are Related to Human Sperm Parameters and Are Relevant in Idiopathic Infertility and Varicocele

Table 1

Medians and interquartile ranges of semen and sperm characteristics and sperm fatty acid (FA) quantity.

Semen characteristics, sperm fatty acid abundance, and parameters of fatty acid metabolismFertility ()
Group 1
Idiopathic infertility ()
Group 2
Infertile Varicocele ()
Group 3
Pairwise comparisons
Group 1 vs. group 2Group 1 vs. group 3Group 2 vs. group 3

Volume (ml)4.75 (1.00)3.75 (2.13)3.90 (2.00)0.07
118.50 (116.75)12.10 (51.95)53.35 (100.75)
Total sperm number454.50 (538.95)49.77 (184.65)182.00 (220.50)0.06
Motility (%)34.50 (28.75)17.50 (11.75)27.50 (21.00)
Morphology (%)17.00 (11.25)7.00 (4.75)8.50 (7.50)
Vitality (%)89.50 (14.25)50.00 (20.75)72.50 (20.50)
Apoptosis (A) (%)4.20 (3.18)8.81 (5.20)5.82 (2.07)
Necrosis (N) (%)22.40 (11.87)40.65 (16.11)37.18 (16.65)
Immaturity (I) (%)44.61 (4.53)53.55 (14.02)67.71 (12.95)
Fertility index (FI)2907921.50 (16036247.25)266546.00 (577090.50)837293.00 (1316138.25)
Seminal F2-IsoPs (ng/ml)8.16 (6.48)31.12 (22.33)62.40 (23.08)
Seminal cPLA2 (ng/ml)0.76 (0.30)0.86 (2.79)0.85 (2.23)0.52
Myristic acid (%)0.70 (0.73)1.00 (0.20)1.15 (0.45)0.28
Palmitic acid (%)29.85 (12.08)31.10 (7.95)28.40 (9.45)0.48
Margaritic acid (%)0.35 (0.18)0.40 (0.55)0.35 (0.28)0.27
Stearic acid (%)16.05 (16.70)15.50 (18.13)19.55 (15.05)0.89
Arachidic acid (%)0.15 (0.23)0.50 (0.40)0.20 (0.55)0.14
Total SFAs (%)52.50 (13.68)55.05 (14.20)52.60 (21.95)0.86
Palmitoleic acid (%)0.50 (0.55)0.90 (1.08)0.70 (0.85)0.48
Oleic acid (%)5.90 (9.13)10.45 (7.58)7.20 (3.95)0.07
Vaccenic acid (%)2.45 (1.90)3.20 (2.28)2.70 (1.05)0.49
Total MUFAs (%)8.75 (12.03)15.65 (8.60)10.95 (7.48)0.14
Linoleic acid (%)4.10 (2.75)5.00 (4.43)5.20 (3.83)0.76
Eicosadienoic acid (%)0.85 (0.20)0.80 (0.43)0.75 (0.45)0.75
Eicosatrienoic acid (%)2.85 (3.35)2.75 (2.83)4.70 (3.08)0.11
Arachidonic acid (%)3.00 (2.20)2.65 (2.18)2.85 (1.98)0.80
Total n-6 PUFAs (%)11.80 (6.00)10.35 (6.55)14.65 (9.20)0.21
Eicosapentaenoic acid (%)0.25 (0.23)0.70 (1.95)0.10 (1.23)0.17
Docosapentaenoic acid (%)1.05 (0.70)1.05 (0.58)0.90 (0.28)0.60
Docosahexaenoic acid (%)24.40 (9.90)14.55 (10.78)15.85 (10.88)
Total n-3 PUFAs (%)25.40 (10.38)17.45 (8.60)17.75 (8.85)
Trans 18 : 1 acid (%)0.00 (0.05)0.00 (0.10)0.00 (0.00)0.30
Trans 20 : 1 acid (%)0.00 (0.03)0.00 (0.08)0.00 (0.00)0.86

Volume: volume (ml) of the ejaculate; : sperm concentration in one ml; total sperm number: total number of sperm in the ejaculate; motility: percentage of progressive sperm motility; morphology: percentage of normal sperm morphology assessed with Papanicolaou staining; vitality: percentage of viable sperm by eosin Y; apoptosis: percentage of sperm apoptosis assessed by transmission electron microscopy; necrosis: percentage of sperm necrosis assessed by transmission electron microscopy; immaturity: percentage of sperm immaturity assessed by transmission electron microscopy; fertility index: the number of sperm probably devoid of defects assessed by transmission electron microscopy; F2-IsoPs: F2-isoprostanes; cPLA2: cytoplasmic phospholipase A2; total SFAs: sum of saturated fatty acids; total MUFAs: sum of monounsaturated acids; total n-6 PUFAs: sum of omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids; total n-3 PUFAs: sum of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. All FA amounts were reported as relative percentage concentration (%). Statistics are reported (, , and ).