Research Article

Assessing the Effects of Parthenolide on Inflammation, Bone Loss, and Glial Cells within a Collagen Antibody-Induced Arthritis Mouse Model

Figure 5

Histological assessment of osteoclast-like cells in the radiocarpal joint and hind paws: (a) representative TRAP-stained images of the radiocarpal joint (20x magnification; scale bars represent 100 μm). Average values of TRAP-positive multinucleated cells on the bone surface and within the surrounding soft tissue in the radiocarpal joint (b and c, respectively) and the hind paws (d and e, respectively). Error bars represent SEM ( paws per control, CAIA+PAR 1 mg/kg, and CAIA+PAR 4 mg/kg, paws per CAIA; compared to control; # compared to CAIA; ## compared to CAIA).
(b) Radiocarpal joint
(c) Radiocarpal joint
(d) Hind paw
(e) Hind paw