Research Article

CD154 Induces Interleukin-6 Secretion by Kidney Tubular Epithelial Cells under Hypoxic Conditions: Inhibition by Chloroquine

Figure 6

CD154 induces IL-6 mRNA in HK-2 cells grown under hypoxic conditions. (a) HK-2 cells were grown 3 hours under hypoxic conditions in the presence or absence of rsCD154 and IL-6 mRNA expression analyzed by RT-qPCR. Data are normalized to cells grown in hypoxic conditions in the absence of rsCD154 (; significant relatively to control condition). (b) HK-2 cells were grown 3 hours under hypoxic conditions in DMEM containing or not rsCD154 and actinomycin D, and IL-6 mRNA expression analyzed by RT-qPCR. Data are normalized to cells grown in control condition (, significant relatively to control, significant relatively to rsCD154 condition). (c) HK-2 cells were grown 1 hour under hypoxic conditions in the presence or not of rsCD154 and cycloheximide (CHX), cells were lysed, and IL-6 was measured in cell lysates by ELISA (, total protein amount in cell lysates did not differ between conditions; significant relatively to control, significant relatively to rsCD154 condition). (d) CD154 stimulates IL-6 gene transcription in hypoxic conditions. HK-2 cells were grown 3 hours under hypoxic conditions in the presence or absence of rsCD154 in DMEM, and a nascent RNA capture assay was used to monitor the change in de novo IL-6 mRNA synthesis. Data are normalized to cells grown in hypoxic condition without rsCD154 (, significant relatively to control).