Research Article

Midregional Proadrenomedullin (MRproADM) Serum Levels in Critically Ill Patients Are Associated with Short-Term and Overall Mortality during a Two-Year Follow-Up

Table 2

Baseline patient characteristics and MRproADM serum measurements.

ParameterAll patientsSepsisNonsepsis

Female, (%)79 (38.9)56 (41.2)23 (34.3)n.s.
Age median, (range) (years)64 (18-90)65 (20-90)62 (18-85)n.s.
Charlson comorbidity index2 (0-9)2 (0-6)2 (0-9)n.s.
APACHE II score, median (range)18 (2-43)19 (4-43)14 (2-33)0.002
SOFA score, median (range)9 (0-17)9 (2-17)8 (0-17)n.s.
Mechanical ventilation, (%)137 (68.2)91 (67.9)46 (68.7)n.s.
Vasopressor demand, (%)125 (61.5)92 (67.6)33 (49.3)0.011
ICU days, median (range)7 (1-137)9 (1-137)6 (1-45)0.009
Death in ICU, (%)43 (21.2)34 (25)9 (13.4)0.041
Overall mortality, (%)79 (41.1)58 (45)21 (33.3)n.s.
MRproADM day 1, median (range) (nmol/L)1.48 (0.1-35.2)3.2 (0.1-35.2)1.1 (0.1-8.7)<0.001

For quantitative variables, median and range (in parenthesis) are given. Abbreviations: APACHE: acute physiology and chronic health evaluation; ICU: intensive care unit; MRproADM: midregional proadrenomedullin; SOFA: sequential organ failure assessment. Significance between sepsis and nonsepsis patients was assessed using the Mann–Whitney test, Fisher’s exact test, or chi-squared test, respectively.