Research Article

Increased IgE Deposition in Appendicular Tissue Specimens Is Compatible with a Type I Hypersensitivity Reaction in Acute Appendicitis

Table 1

Appendicular specimen’s demographics.

IA ()NHF ()APA ()AGA ()

Age (y)64 (55–70)32 (27–40)37 (25–48)38 (26–48)<0.001 (LR)
Sex (M/F)29 (55.8)/23 (44.2)
3 (17.6)/14 (82.4)
14 (36.8)/24 (63.2)
13 (48.1)/14 (51.9)
0.034 (LgR)
Allergy8 (15.7)
3 (17.6)
6 (16.7)
4 (14.8)
0.095 (LR)

IA: incidental appendectomy; NHF: normal histologic findings; APA: acute phlegmonous appendicitis; AGA: acute gangrenous appendicitis. Results presented as median (Q1-Q3) for continuous nonparametric variables or number (valid percentage) of subjects for categorical variables. LR: indicating the corresponding value was obtained using a linear regression. LgR: indicating the corresponding value was obtained using a logistic regression.