Research Article

LncRNA MDRL Mitigates Atherosclerosis through miR-361/SQSTM1/NLRP3 Signaling

Figure 2

MDRL alleviates atherosclerosis in LDLR-/- mice fed with HFD. (a) Representative images of HE-stained aortic roots from rAAV-CTR- or rAAV-MDRL-treated LDLR-/- mice and quantification of fibrous cap thickness. (b) Representative images of Masson-stained aortic roots from rAAV-CTR- or rAAV-MDRL-treated LDLR-/- mice and quantification of collagen content. (c) Representative images of Oil red O-stained aortic roots from rAAV-CTR- or rAAV-MDRL-treated LDLR-/- mice and quantification of plaque area. (d) Representative images of HE-stained aortic roots from rAAV-scramble- or rAAV-shMDRL-treated LDLR-/- mice and quantification of fibrous cap thickness. (e) Representative images of Masson-stained aortic roots from rAAV-scramble- or rAAV-shMDRL-treated LDLR-/- mice and quantification of collagen content. (f) Representative images of Oil red O-stained aortic roots from rAAV-scamble- or rAAV-MDRL-treated LDLR-/- mice and quantification of plaque area. Scale bar: 200 μm. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. , , vs rAAV-CTR or rAAV-scramble group.