Research Article

lnc-MRGPRF-6:1 Promotes M1 Polarization of Macrophage and Inflammatory Response through the TLR4-MyD88-MAPK Pathway

Figure 1

lnc-MRGPRF-6:1 significantly increased in plasma exosomes of CAD patients and was associated with inflammatory factors in plasma. (a) The mRNA level of lnc-MRGPRF-6:1 in the plasma exosomes was detected by RT-qPCR. (b–d) Scatter plot of Spearman correlation analysis between lnc-MRGPRF-6:1 and TNF-α (Spearman , ), TNF-β (Spearman , ), and CXCL11 (Spearman , ) expression levels in plasma. (e) Electron microscopy image of exosome enrichment isolated from plasma (scale bar, 100 nm). CAD vs. control, . CAD: coronary atherosclerotic disease.