Research Article

Study on the Anti-demyelination Mechanism of Bu-Shen-Yi-Sui Capsule in the Central Nervous System Based on Network Pharmacology and Experimental Verification

Figure 9

BSYS serum regulates the level of apoptosis-related proteins and the Akt pathway. (a)–(d) Representative blots and statistical graphs of relative protein expression of Bax, Bcl-2, and c-caspase3 in OLN-93 cells. (e, f) Representative western blot images and quantitative data of p-AKT and AKT in OLN-93 cells. Data are presented as , compared with the CON group, ####; compared with the H2O2 group, , , ; and compared with the H2O2 + blank serum group, , ▲▲, ▲▲▲.