Research Article

Mining Prognostic Biomarkers of Thyroid Cancer Patients Based on the Immune-Related Genes and Development of a Reliable Prognostic Risk Model

Figure 2

PPI network construction and gene functional enrichment of 82 DEIRGs. (a) PPI network. Red and green nodes represent up-regulated and down-regulated DEIRGs, respectively, and the color depth is positive related with |log2FoldChange|. The width of lines is based on combined score of protein interaction. The size of nodes is negatively correlated with p-value. Square nodes denote hub genes which interacted with more than eight proteins. (b) The top 10 significant biolgical process, cellular component, and molecular function that all DEIRGs involved in according to Gene Ontology analysis. (c) All significant KEGG pathways. DEIRGs, differentially expressed immune-related genes; PPI, protein-protein interaction.