Mediators of Inflammation

Interplay between Hormones, the Immune System, and Metabolic Disorders


1University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

2Texas Tech University, Lubbock, USA

3University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK

Interplay between Hormones, the Immune System, and Metabolic Disorders


Hormones are metabolic components produced by different cell types that are capable of regulating the cross talk among the endocrine, adipose tissues, and cardiovascular and immune system. In organisms where the immune response is compromised, inflammation may last longer or may be ineffective, leading to recurrent infections or other types of systemic malfunction. During the last years, it became evident that hormones, neurotransmitters, and dietary factors are specific modulators of cells of the immune system by fine-tuning their activation and key functions that might also affect the vessel function leading to cardiovascular diseases. The main scope of this edition is to publish reviews or original articles that help to understand the mechanisms by which hormones and/or diet can influence inflammatory processes, or vice versa, and how this can lead to cardiovascular and metabolic disorders.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • The role of hormones and cytokines in inflammatory processes
  • How metabolites and dietary components such as vitamins, bioactive compounds, or lipid mediators influence inflammatory processes
  • The role of the neuroendocrine system in the modulation of immune cell activation
  • Neurotransmitter-hormone regulatory interactions modulating immune responses
  • Link between inflammation and metabolic diseases (diabetes, obesity, cancer, HIV, and cardiovascular disease). For instance, adipose tissue inflammation and immune cell remodeling contribute to altered metabolic responses in obesity
Mediators of Inflammation
 Journal metrics
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Acceptance rate14%
Submission to final decision136 days
Acceptance to publication27 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.570
Impact Factor4.6
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