Clinical Study

The Initial Learning Curve for Robot-Assisted Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Surgeon’s Experience While Introducing the Robotic Technology in a Bariatric Surgery Department

Table 2

Operating times and postoperative data.

All patients ( )Cohort 1 ( )Cohort 2 ( )

Mean total set-up time (min), min–max36.5, 25–6038.0, 25–6034.9, 30–45
Mean incision to docking time (min), min–max8.3, 7–169.5, 7–167.6, 7–10
Mean total docking time (min), min–max7.9, 5–159.1, 5–156.6, 3–8
Mean time for sleeve gastrectomy (min), min–max77.5, 56–13089.8, 70–13070.1, 56–90
Complications ( ), cause1, postop. abscess drained by CT scan.10