Clinical Study

Adnexal Masses Treated Using a Combination of the SILS Port and Noncurved Straight Laparoscopic Instruments: Turkish Experience and Review of the Literature

Table 1

Characteristics of the patients.

Patients noAge (years)Menopausal statusSize and features of adnexal massType of operationDuration of operation (minutes)Pathology

161Postmenopausal7 cm trilobulated and septated ovarian cystBSO85Serous cystadenoma
252Postmenopausal7 cm solid cystic ovarian cystUSO70Serous cystadenoma
342Postmenopausal5 cm complex ovarian cysts on left ovaryUSO + Adhesiolysis60Serous cystadenoma
439 Premenopausal12 cm endometriomaCystectomy + Adhesiolysis130Endometrioma
534Premenopausal5 cm ruptured ovarian cysts with massive hemoperitoneumCystectomy 55Corpus hemorhagicum
628Premenopausal5 cm complex ovarian cystsCystectomy60Endometrioma
721Premenopausal5 cm ruptured ovarian cysts with massive hemoperitoneumCystectomy60Corpus hemorhagicum
828Premenopausal5 cm ruptured ovarian endometriomaCystectomy80Endometrioma
933Premenopausal4 cm adnexal mass Salpingectomy 50Ectopic pregnancy
1036Premenopausal6 cm Tubo-ovarian abscessSalpingectomy 45Tubo-ovarian abscess
1146Premenopausal8 cm complex adnexal massUSO + Intraligamentary myomectomy 50Serous cyst + leiomyoma
1266Postmenopausal7 cm complex ovarian cystsUSO130Mucinous cystadenoma + Cholecystitis
1328Premenopausal5 cm ruptured ovarian cysts with massive hemoperitoneumCystectomy + appendectomy90Corpus hemorhagicum + appendicitis
1424Premenopausal9 cm endometrioma Cystectomy65Endometrioma

BSO: bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy.
USO: unilateral salpingo-oopherectomy.