Research Article

Comparison of Perioperative, Functional, and Oncological Outcomes of Transperitoneal and Extraperitoneal Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy

Table 1

Demographics and clinical characteristics of the study population between extraperitoneal and transperitoneal approach.

CharacteristicsGroup 1: E-LRP (n = 168)Group 2: T-LRP (n = 98) value

Age (years, mean ± SD)68.4 (6.1)69.1 (6)0.346
BMI (median, IQR)24 (22.9, 26.5)24.8 (22.6, 26.3)0.811
Charlson Comorbidity Index1 (0–6)1 (0–7)0.81
PSA (ng/mL)12.5 (8.1, 22.9)16.6 (10.7, 24.4)0.005
Clinical T stage-n (%)0.095
 1b-2a14 (8.3)13 (13.3)
 2b11 (6.5)8 (8.2)
 2c98 (58.3)40 (40.8)
 3a14 (8.3)15 (15.3)
 3b30 (17.9)22 (22.4)
 41 (0.6)0 (0)
Gleason score-n (%)0.228
 6 (3 + 3)62 (36.9)23 (23.5)
 7 (3 + 4)45 (26.8)33 (33.7)
 7 (4 + 3)37 (22)24 (24.5)
 8 (4 + 4)10 (6)6 (6.1)
 9 (5 + 4)14 (8.3)12 (12.2)
Nerve sparing (NS)0.448
 Non145 (86.3)79 (80.6)
 Unilateral19 (11.3)15 (15.3)
 Bilateral4 (2.4)4 (4.1)

PSA: prostatic specific antigen and BMI: body mass index.