Research Article

Efficient Multidimensional Top- Query Processing in Wireless Multihop Networks

Algorithm 5

Procedure by leaf nodes and cluster-heads.
(1) A←
(2)if  LeafFlag   then
(3)Put in all neighbors’ identifiers, which fulfill all the following conditions to
(4)(i) is within from
(5)(ii) has data whose score is not more than threshold
(6)(iii) ’s cluster head is not within from
(7)if   is a cluster head  then
(8)Put in all cluster members’ identifiers, which fulfill all the following conditions to
(9)(i) is within from
(10)  (ii) has data whose score is not more than threshold
(11)  (iii) is not parent
(12) if  A≠   then
(14)  Send to nodes included in
(15) else
(16)  Reply data whose score is not larger than threshold to parent