Research Article

Designing Efficient Mobile Gateway for Impoverished Regions Based on Self-Learning Strategy

Algorithm 1

The pseudocode of Perceptron utilization.
(1)  determine the relevant parameters and dimension of
     vector ;
(2)  set the initial values for vector ;
(3)  set the principle of activation function;
(4)  while the Perceptron is enabled
(5)     for path number   from 1 to    step 1
(6)     calculate the value of    based on formula (3);
(7)     if    then
(8)        set , set ;
(9)     end if
(10)    end for
(11)     select path for data tranmission;
(12)    for path number    from 1 to    step 1
(13)        if   have to be considered then
(14)       update of path r based on formula (4);
(15)        end if
(16)     end for
(17)  end while