Research Article

Semantic and Virtual Reality-Enhanced Configuration of Domestic Environments: The Smart Home Simulator

Table 2

Conditions for interrupting the maximal cycling exercise test. These indications were adapted from [22] introducing more strict criteria to prevent the onset of critical conditions in frail elderlies.

Conditions for test interruption

Chest pain suggesting ischemia
ECG changes suggesting ischemia or ectopy
Heart rate exceeding 85% of maximum estimated HR (HR > 0.85 (220 – age – HRrest) + HRrest)
Fall in blood pressure (BPs < BPsrest, BPd < 80 mmHg)
Hypertension (BPs > min {200 mmHg, BPsrest + 10 mmHg} or BPd > 110 mmHg)
Severe desaturation (SpO2 < 80%)
Sudden pallor
Dizziness, faintness, or confusion
Loss of limb coordination

HR =  heart rate, BPs =  systolic blood pressure, BPd = diastolic blood pressure, SpO2  =  arterial oxygen saturation.