Research Article

A Distributed Relation Detection Approach in the Internet of Things

Algorithm 2

Relation detection algorithm.
   Function: sendAttributeInterval(String attributeID, Data value, Relation r, Timestamp t)
(1)  if attributeID    r.attributes  then
(2)  if events.get(attributeID)  ≠    then
(3)    Interval interval = events.get(attributeID)
(4)    interval.endTime = t
(5)    send Info(r.ID, attributeID, interval)
(6)  end
(7)   Interval interval = (value, t, )
(8)   events.get(attributeID).add(interval)
(9)  end
   Function: receiveInterval(Interval , NodeID , Relation r)
(2)  if  .size=1  then
(3)  updatedQueue.add()
(4)  end
(5)  while updatedQueues  ≠    do
(6)  foreach    updatedQueues  do
(7)    if   then
(9)      for   = 1 to    do
(11)        if    then
(12)          newUpdatedQueues.add(j)
(13)        end
(14)        if    then
(15)          newUpdatedQueues.add(i)
(16)        end
(17)      end
(18)    end
(19)  endfch
(20)   foreach    newUpdatedQueues  do
(21)     .dequeue();
(22)   endfch
(23)   updatedQueues = newUpdatedQueues
(24)  end
(25)  if   (  then
(26)  if    exists in   ()  then
(27)    if parent   then
(28)      send all ( to parent
(29)    else
(30)     relation is detected and recorded
(31)    end
(32)  end
(33)  end