Research Article

Trustworthy Event-Information Dissemination in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Algorithm 1

Determining trustworthiness of event information in the received message.
//The process is executed by a receiver vehicle upon receiving safety message
//: Pseudo ID of th neighbor vehicle of
//: truth-telling probability of
//: estimator of by
//: trust level opinion generated by
//: estimator for truth-telling probability of
Output: , updated trust matrix
(1)Information gathering from neighbor vehicles
(2)If event is triggered then goto step (5)
(3)Else goto step (2).
(4)If event source is the itself then goto step (13).
(5)Else accumulates the trust levels opinions of neighbor vehicles
(6) generates a trust matrix based on the trust level opinions.
(7)Use modified clustering algorithm to separate trust level opinions of normal from malicious vehicles.
(8)Calculate aggregated trust level of adjacent vehicles belonging to majority group from trust matrix
(9)Update the trust matrix
(10)Use modified TRW to know if the event has actually occurred or not.
(11)If we decide that the event message is trustworthy, then goto step (13).
(12)Else drop the message.
(13)Broadcast safety message and trust level to neighboring vehicles.