Research Article

DrivingSense: Dangerous Driving Behavior Identification Based on Smartphone Autocalibration

Algorithm 1

Sensor noise distribution determination algorithm.
Require: The raw data reading ;
  The none-zero first-order difference set of the raw data;
  The pseudo second order differential set of the raw data;
Ensure: The sensor noise mean and variance ;
(1) Collecting raw sensor data
(2) for ; ; i++ do
(4) if then
(5)  D.add()
(6) end if
(7) end for
(8) for ; ; i++ do
(11) S.add()
(12) end for
(13) for ; ; do
(14) if then
(15)  i++
(16) else
(17)  if then
(18)    is the change point in
(19)   i++
(20)  end if
(21) end if
(22) end for
(23) Find that is correspond with in the raw data
(24) If the sample number between two change point greater than 100
(25) ,
(26) return()