Research Article

Research on Extended Kalman Filter and Particle Filter Combinational Algorithm in UWB and Foot-Mounted IMU Fusion Positioning

Algorithm 7

pf_imu_uwb_result = PfImuUwb(UwbData, ImuPath).
Input: UwbData: UWB range data; ImuPath: path calculated based on the ZuptImu algorithm with the fragmentation stored based on the timestamp of the UWB data.
Output: pf_imu_uwb_result: Uwb and Imu fusion positioning result
(1)particle_num = 300; init_position = [0, 0]; sigma1 = 0.5; sigma2= 0.5; P_state = [particle_num, 2]; score = [particle_num]
(2)weight = [particle_num]; FusingResult = [UwbData.rows(),2]; beaconset = [the coordinates of n beacons]
(3)init_position = trianglepose(BeaconSet, UwbData[1:5,])
(4)P_state = add_noise(init_position, sigma1)
(5)For j in UwbData.rows()
(6)delta_pose = ImuPath[j,:] − ImuPath[j − 1,:]
(7)P_state = add_odo_noise(P_state, delta_pose, sigma1)
(8)score = Evaluation(UwbData[j], P_state, sigma2)
(9)weight∗ = score
(10)P_state, weight = Resample(P_state, weight)
(11)FusingResult[j] = get_result(P_state, weight)
(13)Return FusingResult