Research Article

CEnsLoc: Infrastructure-Less Indoor Localization Methodology Using GMM Clustering-Based Classification Ensembles

Algorithm 1

CEnsLoc training and prediction algorithm.
Input: training dataset with total A predictors
 Missing value replacement MVr
 Maximum number of clusters Kmax
Output: predicted location Lx
For training:
Replace empty values with MVr
Apply PCA on dataset to generate A’ predictors
For k = 1 -> Kmax
 Generate clusters
 Generate and save k data subsets
 For each p є k data subsets
  Train p RFE using Algorithm 2 (training)
  Calculate performance measures
 End for
End for
Choose optimal configuration
Save respective models for GMM, all RFEs
For prediction at a new point x:
Replace missing values with MVr
Apply PCA on the FP
Match one cluster Cmatch
Invoke RFE of Cmatch using Algorithm 2 (prediction)