Research Article

Novel Data Sponsoring Control Scheme Based on the Dual-Leader Stackelberg Game Model

Table 1

Parameters used in the proposed algorithm.


CPContent provider
MUMobile user
SPService provider
The strategy set of CP
The data sponsoring level for MUs
The strategy set of SP
The price level for MUs
The strategy set of MUs
The CP’s leaning vector
The strategy ’s propensity
The SP’s leaning vector
The strategy ’s propensity
The payoffs of CP, SP and MU, respectively
The CP’s fixed unit price per bit
The set of MUs, who actively consume the data through the
The function to share the profit between CP and SP at time
The CP’s cost function
The SP’s cost function
The function to summarize the total consuming data
A cost factor of the SP
The data sponsoring subsidy by the CP’s strategy
The extra revenue function
The revenue rate per data consuming amount
The attractiveness between ’s
A coefficient to control the convergence rate
A regulating parameter
The CP’s probability distribution
The SP’s probability distribution
The data consuming amount of the
The ’s satisfaction function
The ’s cost function
The MU’s strategy for data consumption
, The bargaining powers of the CP and SP
, The profit division ratio of CP and SP
The fixed time period of negotiation round
A weight factor to adjust the bargaining power