Research Article

Batching Location Cloaking Techniques for Location Privacy and Safety Protection

Algorithm 3

Top-down cloaking batching algorithm (TD).
Data: set U
Result: A set of cloaking regions for every user in U
(1) all cells in the network area;
(2)if then
(4)  l a user from U with the largest θ. If many, chooses the one with the largest K, ();
(5)  ;
(6)  repeat
(7)   ;
(8)   ;
(9)   for do
(10)    c from with a probability cell’s occupancy;
(11)    if then
(12)     if then
(13)      ;
(14)      ;
(15)     end
(16)    end
(17)   end
(18)   if then
(20)   end
(21)  until or (Emax = 0);
(22)  Set for user l and for every other user u in having and ;
(23)  Update set U removing those users whose cloaking region is ;
(24)until ;