Research Article

A New Distance Vector-Hop Localization Algorithm Based on Half-Measure Weighted Centroid

Table 1

Simulation parameters.

Area of the square region: BorderLength = 100
Total number of network nodes: NodeAmount = 100
Number of beacon nodes: BeaconAmount = 40
Number of unknown nodes: UNAmount = NodeAmount−BeaconAmount
The communication radius of each sensor: R = 50
The number of network nodes generated at random: C=BorderLength.rand(2, NodeAmount)
A matrix for storing the coordinates of network nodes: Sxy = [1: NodeAmount; C]
A matrix containing the coordinates of beacon nodes: Beacon = [Sxy(2,1: BeaconAmount); Sxy(3,1:BeaconAmount)]
A matrix containing the coordinates of unknown nodes: UN = [Sxy(2,(BeaconAmount + 1):NodeAmount); Sxy(3,(BeaconAmount + 1):Node amount)]