Research Article

An Approach Based on Customized Robust Cloaked Region for Geographic Location Information Privacy Protection

Algorithm 1

Generate cloaked region using exhaustive method.
Definition: cl = bottom left cell of the cloaked region,
cr = upper right cell of the cloaked region,
Ccenter = centric cell of the userMap,
M= (cl, cr) (a rectangle determined by cl and cr),
maxUserDensity = the maximum value of userDensity
Input: Nearby users’ cloaked regions and customized size constraints Amin and Amax
Output: Cloaked region for the target user
(1) Initialize the userMap by calculating CellValue;
(2) Initialize maxUserDensity as 0;
(3)for cell i in the rectangle area (i, Ccenter) do
(4)  for cell j in the rectangle area (Ccenter, j) do
(5)   assign M = (i, j);
(6)   if M contains Ccenter, and S (M) > Amin, S (M) < Amax then
(7)    calculate userDensity for M;
(8)    if userDensity (M) > maxUserDensity then
(9)     assign maxUserDensity = userDensity (M);
(10)     assign cl = i and cr = j;
(11)    end
(12)   end
(13)  end
(14) end
(15)return the cloaked region determined by cr and cl