Research Article

A Novel Genetic Service Function Deployment Management Platform for Edge Computing

Algorithm 1

Genetic algorithm-based service deployment algorithm for edge computing (GSDAE).
(1)Information of edge computing network topology
(2)Information of all MDCs.
(3)Information of all application SFs.
Number of user requests. (2) K represents the number of functional service categories that need to be deployed. (3) Geneik denotes the number of k-type functional services that need to be deployed on the ith MDC. (4) The computing capacity required for SF i. (5) The number of required SFs.
Output: the SF deployment of assignment matrices for all services
(1)The population of GSDAE:
(2)k = 1;
(3)While k < K + 1 do:
(4) Create SFMatrix to store information related to the deployed SFs;
(5) Decompose SFMatrix and generate the SFcapacity submatrix;
(6) Transpose the SFcapacity matrix to generate SFcapacityT, which stores the computing capacity required for the deployed SF;
(7) Normalise the Populationc matrix:
(8)Generate CapMatrix to record the computing resources owned by each MDC;
(9)Calculate Consumptionc matrix to record the number of computing resources consumed by using the Populationc deployment strategy in each MDC;
(10)Check whether the deployment of SFs complies with the computing resources of the MDC;
Mij = CapMatrix - Consumptionc
(11)if Mij >= 0 then
(12) Geniik is suitable to be deployed on MDCi;
(15) Geniik is unsuitable to be deployed on MDCi;
(17)for each Geniik of MDC in the graph do
(18)Use a greedy algorithm to calculate the overload of each MDC. Those MDCs with the lowest latency in the neighbouring networks and are not yet overloaded are initially chosen;
(22)Return MDCi, k with the minimal latency and cost that is suitable for the deployment of SFi,k.