Research Article

A  Method to Diagnose, Improve, and Evaluate Children’s Learning Using Wearable Devices Such as Mobile Devices in the IoT Environment

Table 6

Related work summaries based on researchers' name, year of publication, brief description, and results.

Name of researchersYear of publicationBrief descriptionResults

López-Faican2020This study evaluates the use of mobile-based multiplayer games for primary school children. In this research, two applications of this type of games are considered: (1) competition against the common game; (2) game using mobile technology that creates a geographical scenario with unlimited physical space.The results show that both modes of play create positive emotions such as enthusiasm, pleasure, and curiosity in children. It has been observed that joint play has a greater impact on emotional affection, social interaction, and interest. In addition, it was observed that the quality of communication in the participatory mode is good in terms of various factors such as maintaining mutual understanding, dialogue management, information collection, reaching consensus, time management, and interaction.
Abdi2019This study examines the creation of an affordable, sustainable, and safe educational toy for prekindergarten children between the ages of 4 and 5 for teaching English language as a second language in developing countries.The findings of this study show that the developed toy can be suitable for use as an educational toy for prekindergarten children to teach English language as a second language.
Sadiq2019Creating an educational application that can be run on a mobile phone based on the principles of user interface design using voice recognition engines to convert text to speech, which will help children learn English language.The opinions of a group of children showed that they were happy to use the developed application. Furthermore, it can be said that the mobile application achieved its aims in teaching English as a foreign language and that the application is suitable as an educational item.
Li2019In this paper, an exploratory experiment is reported to examine the impact of different interaction techniques and different feedback mechanisms in mathematics education for children.Results show that diegetic feedback led to the game being considered significantly more enjoyable, as well as inducing greater feelings of competence and autonomy; screen-touch interaction versus tangible interaction did not change motivation directly nor did find interaction effects between the presentation and interaction modes.
Zhamanov2018The study looked at the combination of IoT and gaming and examined a classroom equipped with modern items such as IoT and gaming.The modern classroom method is better than the traditional classroom with a difference of approximately 20% increase in average attendance, lab work, tests, midterm exams, and final exams.
Spyrou2018In this research, the use of IoT in the game is discussed. A learning goal is set, and the path to that goal is divided into several tasks called learning atoms, which are designed for each game.Increasing learning motivation
Tangworakitthaworn2018In this research, a game-based learning system for plant monitoring based on IoT technology has been designed.Increasing the motivation to learn and care for plants
de la Guía2018It discusses the impact of using IoT to help teachers strengthen social interactions and classroom interactions.It enables teachers to gain a deeper insight into their classroom. The teacher can interact with the system and students in real time. Based on student behavior, the teacher can immediately send a message to control, increase participation and motivation, and encourage cooperation among students.
Safar2016This experimental research study scrutinized the effectiveness of using augmented reality applications as a teaching and learning item when instructing kindergarten children in the English alphabet in the State of Kuwait.Very strong linear correlation between children’s interaction with English alphabet lesson and their scores in the English alphabet test of children using these applications.
Uzelac2015The parameters that affect the students’ focus during the lecture are extracted using IoT.After the experiments, 5 parameters that had a significant effect on students’ concentration were finally extracted.
Manches2015Three questions have been designed about the IoT and children. This study examines these questions according to the IoT.Digitizing everyday objects, such as toys, can influence children’s attitudes, behavior, and thus educate children and affect children’s daily activities.
de la Guía2014An e-book for children is presented. Doll characters have been used to increase children’s motivation to read books.Increasing the motivation to read books
Higgins2012First, an overview of extensive research on the impact of technology on learning to determine the rationale for the value of this information is provided. The next section examines evidence from research analysis of the impact of digital technology. The other part looks at the process of using digital technology and learning in the UK and the international world to provide more context for the necessary recommendations.(i) Technology sharing (in pairs or small groups) is usually more effective than individual use.
(ii) Technology can be used as a centralized intervention to improve learning.
(iii) Technology should be used as a supplement to conventional education rather than as a substitute.