Research Article

Extending the Utility of UTAUT2 for Hospital Patients’ Adoption of Medical Apps: Moderating Effects of e-Health Literacy

Table 1

Measurement items.


HabitVenkatesh et al. [11], Herrero eta l. [14], Macedo [15], Sheikh et al. [16], Escobar-Rodríguez and Carvajal-Trujillo [17], and Alam et al. [19]
(1) Using medical apps has become a habit of mine
(2) I believe that medical apps have become important tools in my life
(3) Using medical apps comes naturally to me
Performance expectancy (PE)
(1) Medical apps are helpful in my daily life
(2) Using medical apps can satisfy my medical health-care needs
(3) Using medical apps can improve my efficiency in monitoring health conditions
(4) Using medical apps can improve my health management ability
(5) Using medical apps can improve the monitoring of my health conditions
Effort expectancy (EE)
(1) Learning to use medical apps is very simple for me
(2) The interactions with medical apps are clear and easy to understand
(3) The operations of medical apps are simple and convenient
(4) Medical apps are easy to use
(5) I can easily master the skills of using medical apps
Social influence (SI)
(1) People who are important to me believe that I should use medical apps
(2) People who influence my behavior believe that I should use medical apps
(3) People whose opinions I value prefer using medical apps
(4) People whom I trust believe that I should use medical apps
Facilitating conditions (FCs)
(1) I have the necessary resources for using medical apps
(2) I have the necessary knowledge and skills for using medical apps
(3) The medical apps that I am using are compatible with other technologies
(4) When I have difficulties using medical apps, I can obtain help from other people
Usage intention (UI)
(1) I intend to continue using medical apps in the future
(2) I will try using medical apps in my daily life
(3) I am planning to use medical apps often
(4) Overall, I am willing to continue using medical apps
Personal innovativeness (PI)Rogers and Shoemaker [18], Rogers [20], Agarwal, and Prasad [21], Wong et al. [25], Tan et al. [26], and Al-Busaidi [27]
(1) When a new technology product or service emerges, I am usually the first among my friends to know about it
(2) In the fields in which I am interested, I can always keep up with the developments of the latest technologies
(3) if I hear about a new information technology, I look for ways to experiment with it
(4) I like to experiment with new information technologies (ITs)
(5) When using technologies, I encounter fewer problems than others
e-Health literacyNorman and Skinner [32] and Norman [33]
(1) I know what health resources are available on the Internet
(2) I know where to find helpful health resources on the Internet
(3) I know how to find helpful health resources on the Internet
(4) I know how to use the Internet to obtain answers to my questions about health
(5) I know how to use health information on the Internet to help me
(6) I can rate the health resources on the Internet
(7) I can distinguish between high- and low-quality health resources on the Internet
(8) I can determine the correctness of health information on the Internet
(9) I feel confident in using information from the Internet to make health decisions