Research Article

Drug Disease Relation Extraction from Biomedical Literature Using NLP and Machine Learning

Table 1

Comparison of related works.

ApproachUsed methodType of relationsUsed corpus

Rosario and Hearst [30]Neural networkCure, only dis., only treat, prevent, vague, side effect, no cureMEDLINE 2001
Abacha and Zweigenbaum [31]Linear SVMCure, prevent, side effectMEDLINE 2001
Frunza et al. [32, 33]NLP, BOW, biomedical concepts, and UMLS conceptsCure, prevent, side effectMEDLINE 2001
Suchitra and Sudah [34]Cooccurrence analysis, NLP, BOW, biomedical and UMLS concepts, inductive logic techniques, Bloom filterCure, prevent, side effectMEDLINE 2001
Muzaffar et al [35]NLP,
Supervised learning methods: SVM and NBCure, prevent, side effectMEDLINE 2001
Wang et al. [36]Pattern, UMLSInducement, treatmentAbstracts from PubMed