Research Article

Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Information System to Enhance Road Safety Level for Pedestrians in China

Table 1

Clusters of pedestrians’ answers.


Unsafe behaviors
 Behavior of running red lights“Sometimes, I don’t pay attention to the traffic light when I think about other things, and I just follow the crowd.” (Pedestrian #2)
“Because everyone goes over.” (Pedestrian #4)
“When there’s no car in sight, I would run the red light.” (Pedestrian #5)
 Use of mobile phones at the intersections“I would watch the phone and sometimes, I failed to notice when the green light was already on.” (Pedestrian #4)
“I would watch mobile phone and sometimes it would affect my observation of traffic lights.” (Pedestrian #8)
 Use of mobile phones while walking“I fell over.” (Pedestrian #2)
“I don’t think it’s dangerous. There’s no danger.” (Pedestrian #5)
“Sometimes, but no dangerous situation has occurred.” (Pedestrian #6)
 Unaware of the right area for waiting for the green light“I am unsure about the area to wait.” (Pedestrian #1)
“I don’t know where to stand, and therefore, I usually stand behind.” (Pedestrian #6)
“Being in the middle because the middle is safer. I won’t be hit by a turning vehicle, and I can pass through faster in the middle.” (Pedestrian #7)
 Attitudes toward traffic laws“Pedestrians won’t be punished for running the red light.” (Pedestrian #3)
“If there is punishment, situation will be better.” (Pedestrian #8)

Design of software and hardware facilities
 Optimization of traffic light design“Displays the remaining time.” (Pedestrian #5)
“Audible prompts are required because sometimes it is hard to see traffic lights.” (Pedestrian #4)
“I don’t know how long it takes.” (Pedestrian #7)
“Sometimes I can’t see the traffic lights clearly, because the bus will block them.” (Pedestrian #3)
 Optimization of sidewalk“It doesn’t seem wide enough at present. There are more and more cyclists. I Feel very crowded.” (Pedestrian #8)
“Some places are enough, some places are not enough.” (Pedestrian #4)

Effects of bicycles and electric bicycles
 Conflicts with bicycles and electric bicycles“Some people park their bicycles on the sidewalk, which may have some problems in safety.” (Pedestrian #6)
“Bicycle parking makes way for a narrower road.” (Pedestrian #7)
“Random bicycle parking affects the overall appearance and mood.” (Pedestrian #4)
“There are a lot of electric bikes and bicycles. There are many cyclists. It’s really crowded.” (Pedestrian #8)
“Sometimes, suddenly, there is a bicycle or electric bike in front and behind.” (Pedestrian #7)
“Bicycles can cause some avoidance or safety problems.” (Pedestrian #6)