Review Article

A Review on Machine Learning Strategies for Real-World Engineering Applications

Table 7

ML state-of-the-art systems in computer networking domain.

ReferenceML techniquesApplications

Traffic prediction
[191, 192]Supervised: MLP-NNPrediction of network traffic
[193, 194]Supervised: KBR, LSTM-RNN, MLP-NNPrediction of traffic volume

Traffic classification
[195197]Supervised: SVMClassification of traffic based on host behavior
[198]Unsupervised: HCAClassification of traffic based on host behavior
[199]Supervised: AdaBoostClassification of traffic based on host behavior
[200202]Supervised k-NN, NBKE, BAGGINGSupervised flow feature based traffic classification
[203205]Unsupervised DBSCAN, AutoClass,k-meansUnSupervised flow feature based traffic classification
[206]Supervised k-NN,Linear-SVM, Radial-SVM, DT, RF, extended tree, AdaBoost, Gradient-AdaBoost, NB, MLPNFVand SDN-based traffic classification
(i) MLP-NN
(ii) MART
(iii) Bagging DT
(iv) Extra-trees
(v) SVR
(vi) BN
Congestion inference from the estimation of different network parameters