Research Article

The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Firm Performance: The Multiple Mediating Roles of Competitive Strategy and Knowledge Creation Process

Table 2

Means, standard deviations, and correlations for variables (N = 333).


(1) Education level2.4200.7271
(2) Your job title in this firm2.5900.769−0.3311
(3) The location of your firm1.8500.8520.052−0.0271
(4)The size of your firm2.5000.7350.222−0.201−0.0261
(5) Entrepreneurial orientation3.2660.5180.0200.042−0.0570.0381
(6) Competitive strategy3.2960.5150.045−0.005−0.0960.0600.8101
(7) Knowledge creation process3.3260.510−0.0140.035−0.0430.0800.7860.8771
(8) Firm performance3.2960.5520.0260.013−0.0800.0530.7840.8500.8621

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