Research Article

Using Trajectory Subclustering to Improve Destination Prediction

Table 1

Notation used in this article.


A set of trajectories
A set of trajectories in cluster
A trajectory within , a strictly ordered sequence of instances
An instance is a latitude and longitude position, , at time
A dissimilarity matrix for the input set of trajectories
A set of clusters extracted from trajectories in
A set of GMMs trained for each cluster
A pretrained GMM for the cluster
A probability value for a trajectory, , fitting the most likely GMM in
A sparse matrix containing the clustering parameters, with an implicit ordering
A parameter value for current iteration of clustering
The distance function for clustering, which is used to calculate
The maximum number of components for a GMM
The maximum number of instances for training a GMM
The best (lowest) Bayesian information criterion value for a GMM
The parameter value to use for the decision threshold, that is, a probability value in the static mode and a multiplier in the dynamic mode
A Boolean flag indicating whether to use the dynamic (true) or static (false) mode for the decision threshold