Research Article

Aiming Sustainable Transportation Utilizing Social Capital: A Perspective of Mobile Car Park App

Table 1

Focus group participants on car owners and drivers and their details.

Participant’s codeDescriptionJob responsibilityExperience (years)

CDO1Student of KUET, department of EEEDrives fathers-in-law car occasionally3+
CDO3BusinessmanTo go to his office7+
CDO4Teacher at universityGoes to his campus and for a random visit10+
CDO5The personal driver of a doctorGoes to his chamber12+
CDO6Uber driverGoes to Uber for rent4+
CDO7Retired govt. officerVisit friends and family and goes out shopping.15+
CDO8Rent a car ownerHaving a car rental business20+
CDO9Software engineerGo to the office and go to shopping or visit relatives.4+
CDO10BusinessmanHaving 2 cars, one for his personal use and another for his family use10+