Research Article

Aiming Sustainable Transportation Utilizing Social Capital: A Perspective of Mobile Car Park App

Table 3

Third-party services used in the development of MCP.

Third-party servicesDescriptions

OSMDroidUsed to give all of the open street map functionalities to the android application replacing android’s map view class [55]
OSMbonuspackUsed to enhance the capabilities of OSMDroid [56]
MapQuestUsed to implement navigation on maps [57]
CircleimageviewUsed to create circular images for decorative purposes [58]
SweetalertdialogueUsed to create alert dialogues [59]
PicassoUsed to enable image caching and downloading [60]
BubbleTabBarUsed to create a bottom navigation bar with customized bubble-like tabs [61]
OKhttpUsed to recover from common connection problems with response caching, load faster, and save bandwidth [62]