Review Article

Resource Provisioning Techniques in Multi-Access Edge Computing Environments: Outlook, Expression, and Beyond

Table 2

Research questions and search keywords.

Research questionsSearch keywordsArticle selectionDigital libraries

Why is there an urge to migrate to edge cloud?Need, benefits, requirements, motivation, MEC migrationSurvey(i) ACM Digital Library
(ii) Springer Link
(iii) ScienceDirect
(iv) IEEE Xplore
(v) Google Scholar
(vi) Scopus
(vii) Wiley
 (i) Compendex
 (ii) Whitepaper
 (iii) Hindawi
What are the challenges in MEC?Challenges, issues, mobile edge cloud, mobilitySurvey
What are the existing solutions or tools for MEC resource provisioning?Tools, solutions, framework, processSurvey, research manuscript
What is the role of 5G in MEC?5G and MEC, issues, need of 5G and MECSurvey, research manuscript
What distinguishes MEC, fog, and cloud computing from one another?Differences, compare, fog, MEC, cloudSurvey, research manuscript