Research Article

A Modified Whale Optimization Algorithm and Its Application in Seismic Inversion Problem

Algorithm 2

Input: Population size N
   Group size k
   The halting criterion
Output: The best solution
(1)Generate the initial population Xi (i = 1, 2, …, N)
(2)for i = 1 to N do
(3)if (rand < 0.6)
(4)  Generate new solution with OBL
(5)end if
(6)end for
(7)Calculate the fitness for each solution in the population
(8)Find the best solution with the best fitness
(9)while the halting criterion is not satisfied do
(10) Update a and CR
(11) Decompose population into k groups by density peak clustering algorithm
(12)for i = 1 to N do
(13)  Update A, C, l and p
(14)  R1 is the group with Xi and R2 are the groups without Xi
(15)  Select randomly r1 from R1 and r2 from R2
(16)  jrand = randint (1, m)
(17)  for j = 1 to m do
(18)   ifthen
(19)    if (|A| < 1) then
(20)     if rand (0, 1) ≤ CR and j == jrandthen
(21)      Update F
(22)      Select randomly r1 from R1 and r2 from R2
(24)     Else
(27)     end if
(28)    elseif (|A| ≥ 1) then
(29)     Select a random solution Xrand
(32)    end if
(33)   ifthen
(36)   end if
(37)  end if
(38)end for
(39)for i = 1 to N do
(40)  if (rand < 0.6)
(41)   Generate new solution Oi with OBL
(42)   if Oi is better than Xithen
(43)    Xi = Oi
(44)   end if
(45)  end if
(46)end for
(47) Find the best solution with the best fitness
(48)end while