Research Article

An Empirical Study on the Factors Influencing Users’ Continuance Intention of Using Online Learning Platforms for Secondary School Students by Big Data Analytics

Table 6

Summary of the internal model analysis.

HypothesisStandardized path coefficientUnstandardized path coefficientStandard error-value-valueResult

Hypothesis1a: SQ ---> PU0.1860.1940.0902.154Supported
Hypothesis 1b: SQ ---> PEU0.6450.6220.0728.583Supported
Hypothesis 2: RQ ---> PU0.3040.2890.0813.581Supported
Hypothesis 3: TP ---> PU0.3250.2850.0644.443Supported
Hypothesis 4a: PEU ---> PU0.1360.1470.0761.9320.053Not supported
Hypothesis 4b: PEU ---> SA0.2020.1970.0494.054Supported
Hypothesis 5: PU ---> SA0.3470.3130.0466.735Supported
Hypothesis 6: SE ---> SA0.5860.4340.04110.697Supported
Hypothesis 7: SE ---> CI0.7090.7010.06111.575Supported
Hypothesis 8: SA ---> CI0.1090.1460.0702.073Supported
Hypothesis 9: AI ---> CI0.1970.2580.0594.403Supported

Note 1: RQ = resource quality; SQ = system quality; PU = perceived Usefulness; CI = continuance intention; TP = teaching presence; SA = satisfaction; PEU = perceived ease of use; AI = academic identity; SE = self-efficacy. Note 2: ; (two-tailed);  =381.