Research Article

Design of Metaverse-Based Physical Fitness Service for the Enhancement of Exercise Capability for Youth

Table 3

Major exercise programs and expected effects on the stages of human development.

Stage of human developmentBorn ageNameEffect

Early childhood6∼7HIMO jump ropeImprovement in physical development, cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular endurance
Middle childhood8∼9Step shakerBalanced and harmonious development, improved cardiorespiratory endurance and agility
Late childhood10∼11Run and diceIncreased strength, agility, and flexibility
Early adolescence12∼13Group jump ballImproved social skills, muscle strength, cardiorespiratory endurance, agility, and agility
Middle adolescence14∼16Foot squashImprovement in whole-body endurance, muscle strength, agility, and agility