Research Article

Computing the Discrete Compactness of Orthogonal Pseudo-Polytopes via Their 𝑛 D-EVM Representation

Algorithm 3

Computing regularized Boolean operations on the EVM.
Input: The nD-OPPs p and q expressed in the nD-EVM.
         The number n of dimensions and regularized Boolean operation op.
Output: The output nD-OPP r, such that r = p op*q, codified as an nD-EVM.
Procedure BooleanOperation(EVM p, EVM q, BooleanOperator op, int n)
       EVM sP, sQ // Current sections of p and q respectively.
       EVM hvl // I/O couplet.
       boolean fromP, fromQ // flags for the source of the couplet hvl.
       CoordType coord // the common coordinate of couplets.
       EVM r, sRprev, sRcurr // nD-OPP r and two of its sections.
       if (n = 1) then // Base case
         return BooleanOperation1D(p, q, op)
         n = n - 1
         sP = InitEVM( )
         sQ = InitEVM( )
         sRcurr = InitEVM( )
         NextObject(p, q, coord, fromP, fromQ)
         while (Not(EndEVM(p)) and Not(EndEVM(q)))
                if (fromP = true) then
                      hvl = ReadHvl(p)
                      sP = GetSection(sP, hvl)
               if (fromQ = true) then
                      hvl = ReadHvl(q)
                      sQ = GetSection(sQ, hvl)
               sRprev = sRcurr
               sRcurr = BooleanOperation(sP,sQ,op,n) // Recursive call
               hvl = GetHvl(sRprev, sRcurr)
               SetCoord(hvl, coord)
               PutHvl(hvl, r)
               NextObject(p, q, coord, fromP, fromQ)
         while (Not(EndEVM(p)))
               hvl = ReadHvl(p)
               PutBool(hvl, r, op)
         while (Not(EndEVM(q)))
               hvl = ReadHvl(q)
               PutBool(hvl, r, op)
         return r