Research Article

Numerical Model on Sound-Solid Coupling in Human Ear and Study on Sound Pressure of Tympanic Membrane

Table 1

Material properties of the FE model.

StructureDensity (kg/m3)Young’s modulus (Pa)

Tympanic membrane (Pars tensa)
Tympanic membrane (Pars flaccida)
The tympanic membrane malleus attachment at the umbo [11]
The tympanic membrane malleus attachment at malleus handle [11]
Malleus head
Malleus neck
Malleus handle
Incudomalleolar joint
Incus body
Incus short process
Incus long process
Incudostapedial joint
Superior mallear ligament
Lateral mallear ligament
Anterior mallear ligament
Superior incudal ligament
Posterior incudal ligament
Tensor tympani tendon
Stapedial tendon
Oval window
Round window membrane
Basilar membrane