Research Article

A Numerical Treatment of Nondimensional Form of Water Quality Model in a Nonuniform Flow Stream Using Saulyev Scheme

Table 1

The error defined by for all at fixed .

200.200 0.05000 1.50158 1.45659 0.04499
0.100 0.02500 0.09392 0.38856 0.29465
0.050 0.01250 −0.25831 −0.40244 0.14413
0.025 0.00625 −0.33323 −0.40433 0.07110

30 0.200 0.05000 1.49666 1.45165 0.04501
0.100 0.02500 −0.09358 −0.38821 0.29463
0.050 0.01250 0.25798 0.40198 0.14401
0.025 0.00625 0.33290 0.40389 0.07099

40 0.200 0.05000 1.50146 1.45644 0.04502
0.100 0.02500 0.09324 0.38787 0.29463
0.050 0.01250 −0.25765 −0.40165 0.14401
0.025 0.00625 −0.33257 −0.40356 0.07099