Research Article

Crossing Reliability of Electric Bike Riders at Urban Intersections

Table 1

Covariates selection and explanation.


AGE (age group)Continuous variable1 if under 20, 2 if 20–29, 3 if 30–39, 4 if 40–49, 5 if 50–59, and 6 otherwise
GEN (gender)Binary indicator1 if male, 0 female
WN (waiting number)Continuous variableThe number of other cyclists that are waiting for a green light when arrives
CN (crossing number)Continuous variableThe number of other cyclists that are crossing against the red light when arrives
TC (twice crossing)Binary indicator1 if twice crossing behavior, 0 otherwise
MV (motor vehicle volume)Continuous variableMotor vehicle volume per lane per min in red-light phase when the rider arrives
LT (left turn phase)Binary indicator1 if an electric bike rider violates traffic rules in the left-turn period of motorized vehicles, 0 otherwise
YL (yellow light)Binary indicator1 if an electric bike rider violates traffic rules in the yellow light period, 0 otherwise