Research Article

The Algorithm of Link Prediction on Social Network

Algorithm 2

KatzGF algorithm.
Input: social network graph , node , node
Output: the similarity of node and node
The description of the algorithm:
(1) Find all paths between node and node which length are less then 6. Put all the
   nodes in the paths into the set .path_nodes. Record the length of each path.
(2) Extract the sub-graph which contains the tested node pair and all the nodes in their paths.
(3) for (from the first path to the last path){
(4)   while (the nodes set of the path is not null){
(5)  Calculate the degree of node , and get .degree. Calculate the degree of node
   in the extracted sub-graph in the Step 2, get .path_degree.
      Calculate the guidance capability of this node
    Guidance-capability. .
(6)  Calculate the weight of this path Guidance_capability.path+ = Guidance_capability. .
(7) Calculate the similarity of node and node Similarity. + = Guidance_capability.path}