Research Article

A New Improved Quantum Evolution Algorithm with Local Search Procedure for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem

Algorithm 2

Pseudo codes of local search algorithm.
(1)  for   to   do
(2)  Randomly select 2 candidate routes;
(3)  Calculate the actual carrying capacity (AC) of each vehicle.
(4)  if AC < Burden Rating (BR) then
(5)  Run 1-1 exchange and 1-0 exchange 5 times.
(6)  if solutions improved and constraints meet then
(7)     Run 2-OPT 5 times
(8)  else
(9)    Roll back to other routes
(10) end if
(11) else
(12) Run 1-1 exchange and 1-0 exchange 5 times.
(13) while solutions improved do
(14)  Run 2-OPT 5 times
(15) end while
(16)  end if
(17) end for