Research Article

Boolean-Based Surface Procedure for the External Heat Transfer Analysis of Dams during Construction

Algorithm 1

Boolean-based surface procedure.
(1) Read surface sets already been defined, , , and , according to Section 4.2.
(2) Detect outlet hole surfaces in the dam body, and store them as , according to Algorithm 3.
(3) Detect joint surfaces between adjacent monoliths, and store them as , according to Algorithm 3.
(4) Detect foundation surfaces between dam and rock, and store them as S_rock, according to Algorithm 3.
(5) Kill all the dam elements.  // the elements whose lift_ID     0.
(6)for     do
(7)     Activate the lift cast at this step.  // the elements whose lift_ID = .
(8)     Recognize external surfaces of activated elements, store them as S_all according to Algorithm 2.
(9)     Look for the element surfaces with lift_ID =   from S_all, and note them as S_lift.
(10)    S_rock = S_rock   S_all.
(11)    S_up   (S_lift   S 3)   S_up.
(12)    S_down (S_lift     S 4) S_down.
(13)    S_joint           S_all.
(14)    S_hole           S_all.
(15)     .
(16)    Set boundary conditions according to Table 2
(17)    Seek the highest elevation of nodes in the latest cast lift, which is noted as z_h.
(18)     _mono   [mono_ID   [ ]] = z_h.  // change the top elevation of the new-rise monolith.
(19)    for     [ ].   // increments of this step
(20)        Finite element solver.
(21)    end  loop   .
(22)end  loop   .